Thrifty Finds

This week’s Thrifty Finds (5-11 March 2018)

Thrifty Finds


How was your week? Here are my Thrifty Finds from last week:

  1. I used a Sainsbury’s voucher to get £12 off my shopping 🙂
  2. I also received a couple of pots of hummus for free. My mum was given them at a place where she volunteers, but she passed them onto us.
  3. I picked up my second pair of glasses, which were free as the opticians was doing ‘Buy One Get One Free’. I’m going to keep them at work as I have been known to leave my pair at home and then have to squint at the screen all day long!
  4. The girls had their postponed World Book Day celebrations at school. I bought a cheap gingham shirt and we were able to turn it into Dorothy’s dress from The Wizard of Oz for one of my daughters. We also borrowed the book from a friend.
  5. Finally, I came across this wonderful idea in Bath:



The Hot Water Bottle Network provides free hot water bottles for homeless and vulnerable people in Bath. The bottles hang on the railings outside Bath Abbey and people can help themselves. There is also a list of about a dozen cafes where the bottles can be filled for free. Such a great idea 🙂

Don’t forget to let me know what your recent Thrifty Finds are. Have a good week 🙂




Thrifty Finds

This week’s Thrifty Finds (15-21 January 2018)


This Week's Thrifty Finds via


Well another week has rolled past and the days are – slowly – getting longer. I have to say, though, January does seem to be going on forever..

This past week my Thrifty Finds were:

  1. We held a 70s/80s party at the weekend. We went as Tom and Barbara Good (from The Good Life) and friends went as Jerry and Margot. It was probably the least I had ever spent on an outfit: just a £4 shirt from a charity shop. And I think it’s the first time I’ve ever been to a party wearing dungarees and wellies!
  2. We ordered a new bed as our old one was in need of replacing. Using the sales discounts we were able to buy it within budget (I hadn’t realised how expensive beds are!) I also resisted paying the extra £9 to guarantee a morning or afternoon slot as I was in all day anyway. We also found a cheaper way to dispose of our old mattress and bed.
  3. I was very disciplined and, as soon as our veg box arrived, I cooked a couple of meals to use the veg – our last veg box wasn’t so successful and I ended up throwing out some old broccoli 😦


4. We’re still sorting through our kitchen. I have some old unpackaged puzzles which I tried to donate on the local Facbook free site but with no luck. However I have a colleague who may take the puzzles for her little boy. If the worst happens I could recycle them as they are all made of cardboard.

5. Not quite a Thrifty Find but I have huge pile of books from my birthday and Christmas which I really need to tackle. I’m trying to find time during the day to read – and am determined to read more on my morning commute, rather than aimlessly scrolling through my phone!





I’d love to hear about your Thrifty Finds too! Please  share your Thrifty Finds on my facebook page, or use #thriftyfinds on Twitter or instagram