On Pause….

Apologies that it has taken me so long to write this post…

As you may have gathered I haven’t been blogging for quite a few months. There’s no particular reason: life has got busier and I found blogging was taking up time when I always seemed to have a large list of things to do.

I’ve also become more active on Instagram (secondhandtales) which is a sort of micro blogging platform in its own right. I’m still trying to spread the word about secondhand and sustainable living in my posts, and focus on what I’m wearing to show charity shop outfits ARE wearable 😂

I’m not sure when, or if, I will return to blogging. I have really enjoyed my time on this site, interacting with other readers and learning so much from other bloggers. Honestly, so many of the sustainable living ideas I follow are from pieces I have read on people’s blogs.

If you are on Instagram do please take a look at my page. If not, thank you for stopping by and reading my posts and I wish you all the best.

With lots of love,

Kathryn xx